1 MGA Monitor 2 Monitor Type 3 Windows 95 Monitor: 4 MGA Monitor: 5 Manufacturers 6 Models: 7 Refresh Setup 8 Display Resolution 9 Color Palette 10 Pixel Clock: 11 Horizontal Frequency: 12 Refresh Rate: 13 Test 14 Customize 15 Unknown 16 Properties 17 8-bit, 256 colors 18 16-bit, 65536 colors 19 24-bit, 16.7 Million colors 20 32-bit, 16.7 Million colors 21 Zoom by 1 (default) 22 Zoom by 2 23 Zoom by 4 24 MGA Monitor Selection Warning 25 MGA.MON file not found or corrupted! Please reinstall MGA Monitor Selection from your MGA PowerDesk distribution disk! 26 Error while writing MGAMON.MTX file! 27 Error while writing MGA.INF file! 28 Error while writing MGA.MON file! 29 Error while reading MGAMON.MTX file! 30 Error while reading MGA.INF file! 31 Error while reading MGA.MON file! 32 Create Pixel Depth special-cases 33 Create Zoom special-cases 34 Merge Pixel Depth special-cases 35 Merge Zoom special-cases 36 You modified the Monitor! Do you want to save it as a new user-defined monitor? 37 Problem with MGA.INF file.\nFile is obsolete, missing, or board serial number does not match\nMonitor selection has been lost. 38 (User-Defined) 39 Customized %s %s 40 Name already in use! Please select a different name. 41 Monitor name is not valid! Please use a different name. 42 MGA Monitor Selection Warning 43 Name already used by another user-defined monitor - do you want to overwrite it? 44 (Unknown Monitor) 45 You have not specified what type of Win95 monitor you use. Your new settings may not work correctly.\nDo you want to specify a monitor now? 46 Settings 47 Change Display Type 10093 Select Device 10094 Windows will now resize your desktop / display. This could take a few seconds, during which your screen might flicker. If windows does not reappear correctly, wait 15 seconds, and your original settings will be restored. 10095 MGA Monitor Selection 10096 Windows will now apply new monitor settings. This could take a few seconds, during which your screen might flicker. If windows does not reappear correctly, wait 15 seconds, and your original settings will be restored. 10097 This monitor profile does not support your current resolution!\nSelect another monitor profile, or lower your resolution. 10098 The name you have entered is too long. Maximum length for the name is 48 caracters. 10099 String too long